Mi smo profesionalci, kreativci, zaljubljenici u svoj posao.

Mi smo profesionalci, kreativci, a prije svega zaljubljenici u svoj posao! Svojim obaveznim i samostalnim obrazovanjem dostigli smo ogromnu razinu znanja koje nakon desetogodišnjeg iskustva u poslovnom svijetu u Hrvatskoj i na inozemnim projektima razvijamo kroz konstantno usavršavanje, a želja nam je kroz suradnju to podijeliti s Vama. Svakodnevno uživamo u radu već dugi niz godina te svoju kreativnost i profesionalnost kreiramo kroz grafički i web dizajn u nakladništvu i online marketingu.
Originalne ideje su naša specijalnost, a na Vama je da nam javite koje su vaše potrebe.
Brand.hr osmišljava i realizira Vaš cjeloviti vizualni identitet, web stranicu, novi brand, reklamnu kampanju koja izlazi iz uobičajenih okvira, Vaš časopis, grafičku pripremu za sve potrebe. Uz iskustvo u internet marketingu i razvoju eCommerce strategija, odgovorni smo za nekoliko AdWords kampanja koje prelaze mjesečne budžete od više desetaka tisuća kuna te nekoliko vrlo popularnih internet trgovina.
Fokus nam je dobra i sinergijska suradnja s klijentom, a sve to kako bi u konačnici ostvarili odlične i kvalitetne rezultate!
Preporučili su nas
Bojan Poljičak, Country Manager Adecco Croatia
We cooperated with [brand.hr] on our web page design, programming and maintenance – and they showed great skills and did manage the projects in organized and timely way. [brand.hr] is also great studio to work with, professional, creative and friendly. Very good cooperation with them!
Dario Batković, Sales Manager Croatia at Nestle S.A.
While working with [brand.hr], they displayed an exceptional understanding of IT technology and their web skills has allowed them to establish an extensive network across the industry. [brand.hr] ability to ‘think-out-of-the-box’ whilst focusing on the big picture sees them providing unique solutions and insight to conventional problems and challenges faced by many of their clients and own organization. People from [brand.hr] are goal driven, career-focused and highly ambitious which has allowed them to excel in the position of web specialist during the time that we were colleagues. I have no doubt that [brand.hr] will play an important role in the success of your company – an asset to the team!
Nenad Hervatin, PR, Marketing and New Business manager
[brand.hr] is very client-oriented and produced great value in terms of online digital marketing for Pseći.net. It’s a pleasure cooperating for goods of others, expecially rescued pets!
Alexey YakimenkoC, Head of Sales Department at Rovex Ltd.
[brand.hr] was the key company on TeleA2Z for all the marketing, advertising and public relations and made sure everyone (globally) had the latest information on our products. They made it very easy for the visitors and sales forces to succeed by ensuring they were well presented to potential VoIP customers. [brand.hr] is also very skilled at building strong relationships with both internal and external customers.
Marcel Majsan, Web & Marketing
I was amazed with [brand.hr] knowledge and power of solving problematic web design requirements. Their skills are very diverse and well developed but they remained very modest and super-friendly. If you ever need an ultimate web specialists, [brand.hr] is the word.
Paweł Obuchowski, Sales Assistant Voipswitch Inc.
[brand.hr] provides a razor-sharp focus on telling consumers what online advertising works – and what doesn’t. They quickly hones in on both the client’s vision and budget and makes realistic recommendations based on their client’s needs. Thanks for TeleA2Z
Joško Kučan, Master of Electrical Engineering
[brand.hr] gave me few great tips of internet marketing and knows a great deal about community management. They are always willing to help and know how to build great eCommerce sites that generate more web traffic for your business.
Robert Vatta, Nurse/EMT/Paramedic/Search And Rescue
[brand.hr] was hired to make concept for visibility project for our company. Regarding specific profile of our company and need of specific approach to our clients people from [brand.hr] did excellent job. During our collaboration Mr.Pervan definitely put the added value in our business. He was always on our disposal, for any kind of help regarding his field of expertise, always with friendly, professional and sensitive approach.
Håvard Johannessen, CEO at CombatKit
[brand.hr] was working with a totally new web page concept from the beginning to the end with job well done.